The F&A Manager makes sure that all financial and administrative process are done flawlessly which contributes to the company’s finances remaining dependable, robuust and up-to-date.
Involved people
- Direct Report: Philip Boontje
- Role Owner: Casimir Laurentius
The Mahabharata (4th Century BC) – “Wealth, if not properly controlled, acts like an untrained elephant, crushing and ruining all before it.”
Take action on all incoming messages of the [email protected] account to the correct recipient, which can be:
- Forward invoice to the correct financial administration
- Reply to email when you have sufficient mandate and competence to do so.
- Forward email to relevant person when question should be answered by someone else.
- Ignore email.
Label all incoming and outgoing payments in Moneybird
- Each incoming payment which represent a payment towards an ‘Outgoing Invoice’. Usually the Moneybird software recognises these kind of payments an matches the payment to the outstanding invoice automatically.
- Each outgoing payment which represents a cost should have an ‘Incoming Invoice’ linked to it. For costs lower than 20 EUR, the invoice does not necessarily need to be added. (this is a pragmatic approach strikes a balance between the Dutch law which demands accountability for each payment to prevent fraud and the administrative burden this brings upon our organization)
- Each in- and outgoing payment that is balance mutation, no documentation is needed.
Respond to messages within 2 working days whenever people reach out to you on the personal email, a direct Slack message or in a dedicated Slack-channel as an @-mention.
At the start of each month, create a draft invoice for each project that our company has registered any billable hours for.
- Preferably duplicate the previous month’s invoice.
- Add to each invoice two attachments: 1) the Toggl hours Report ‘Summary’ and 2) the Toggl hours Report ‘Details’
- Round down the Toggl hours to quarters, so 6:25 becomes 6:15.
- Each invoice should contain at least the following components:
- Reference (a text that concatenates the project code, client name, service and billing type)
- Service (Service provided to the customer)
- Project Code (based on the numeric logic of ‘PRXXXX’)
- Budget (the monthly or fixed budget amount)
- Work board (a link to the kanban-board per project)
- Comments (a text describing project-specific agreements collaboration principles)
- Inform the direct report that all draft invoices are ready for evaluation and send-out.
This role requires access to the following systems:
System Name |
Deep-link |
Description |
Moneybird | |
Accounting software |
Airtable | |
Operations software (built in-house) |
Gmail | |
Email software (as part of Google Workspace) |
Toggl | |
Hour-registration software |
Cover image: “Winter Landscape with Skaters” (Hendrick Avercamp, 1608) This painting shows ice skaters of all sorts enjoying a day on a frozen river. People dressed up stand among villagers going about their daily chores. A dog chews on a dead carcass in the lower left corner. A boat sails away on a sled in the background as a group of fishermen make efforts to free a frozen sailboat in the foreground. A bird trap is seen to the left among other farm implements and the whole scene is overshadowed by a church to the left. (from Wikipedia)